Sample Three Card Reading

The Question 🙂

Thank you for taking on my reading.
I would like to know What you can share with me about the situation between M. and I.
The question is Romance/love related.
Thank you in advance. Cant wait to read what you can tell me!
Details are:
(Birth dates supplied)

Warm regards,

S. The Netherlands.

Hello S,

Thank you for your question.
To look at your situation, I have used the Thoth deck and a three card reading and the ‘hiding card’: the one that goes to the bottom of the deck when I shuffle the cards. I also felt drawn to give information from a numerological system created by Dan Millman, which I trust you find insightful.

Card 1: (Hiding card) The context: Lust. – Passion

At the root of the situation is the Trump card, in the Thoth deck: Lust- Passion. This speaks of the love of life, the energy this brings and how wonderful it feels. The card went to the bottom of the deck. I took this out first. The card in this position is very useful for understanding a context for a situation. The fact that is ‘hides’ at the bottom of the shuffled deck points to the information being central, and often hidden at a subconscious level.

It is what is most important to you: to feel alive, no afraid of life, love, or compromising. The woman has come to terms with herself, is not driven by fear at all, but has instead understood and ‘tamed’ this and now rides the Lion (the energy of the life force) in total trust and connectedness.
So in this reading, I am holding in mind that this is the context.
The next three cards form the reading:

Card 1: What M brings to the relationship: 4 of Wands.

Card 2: What S brings to the relationship: Ace of Wands

Card 3: Advice: Prince of Disks/Knight of Pentacles

Firstly, there are two cards from the suit of Wands, representing the energies each of you bring to the relationship. Wands is linked to the element of fire, to creative life force energy, to inspiration. Think the ‘spark’ that animates everything. Interestingly, both of your cards are in this suit. Sparks can certainly fly!
Looking at  first two cards side by side, they are complementary. They have the same colours, and yet a very different energy emanates from each.

M’s card, the Four of Wands is called Completion. The feeling I have as I look at the image is of order. The number 4 relates to structure, to security, and to foundations. It also relates to the four elements/suits/directions. I think of it as a very ‘whole’ number. Wands, those fiery creative forces have come to rest here. Where they intersect, a fire burns. This fire is contained within a circle. The background feels restful, in fact there is a feeling of security.

4 comes in after union and cooperation ( 2 and 3 ) and create some much needed structure. The four of Wands is a card of completion and celebration. It has the energy of a safe campfire, when it is contained by a ring of stones that prevent it spreading and becoming destructive. In other decks, the four of wands is depicted as a celebration; a simple joyous event.

Especially as both you and your partner are represented by cards in the suit of wands, I want to look at the numerology of your individual life purpose along with the Tarot card, so you have a more complete picture.
M’s Life Path number is 24/6.

‘Those on this life path are here to work through issues of perfectionism, process and responsibility, taking life one step at a time, manifesting their vision in practical ways and accepting the inherent perfection of their life’…They are naturally idealistic and learn through multiple experiences that bring them back to reality, to appreciate imperfection for the unique thing it is. Until then, they battle with high standards and self image.-
‘It may be difficult for people on this path to accept themselves, others and the world in general as they are.
-Dan Millman: The Life you were born to Live

This fits with the four of Wands card and provides you with another way to understand him. In relationships, 24/6 people can be frightened by commitment, because of the influence of perfectionism that they struggle with, leading them to second guess EVERYTHING. However, this is balanced by the Energy of the Four of Wands. Modified and with acceptance that the idea of ‘perfection’ is a debilitating mirage, the Wands energy finds the way to create a beautiful image out of reality. It celebrates simplicity, is uncomplicated and accepting and so can enjoy life.

Your card:   The energy here in the Ace of Wands is BIG. Such intensity and strength is represented in this card. Aces hold the full potential of the suit, and it feels as though you are full of this kind of energy. This relationship perhaps for you, contains the ‘meaning of life’. It almost feels as though if not released or if contained, it will burst out anyway.

Your life path number is 38/11
You have in the 11, a double dose of creativity and confidence.
In the 8, abundance and power
In the 3: Expression and Sensitivity.

‘Those on the 38/11 life path are here to combine creativity and material success, learning to apply their power and express their energy with compassion… have to deal with powerful insecurity and self -doubt and a tendency to give away, avoid, or sabotage their own power or abundance….their life path will allow them to get in touch with and express their feelings and sensitivities …and overcome self-doubt.’
– Dan Millman, The Life you were born to Live.

In his section on relationships, Millman here are some key points to help you understand yourself better:

38/11s appear very secure, but need a strong person to lean on (while not wanting to lose control) so issues of power/control/insecurity require work.  Their relationships serve as a mirror to help them understand and balance their lives.

Is this a dynamic that you feel within the relationship? That one prefers order and structure; perhaps even has his heart carefully protected, is more cautious and likes things to line up? Or that in a way you feel somehow to be on the outer? If you do, it is probably just the dynamic where he needs to keep himself intact and is in some way, keeping the fire at bay? The two cards together create a very workable dynamic for a relationship although I also see some probable issues if you both do not recognize this in the other.

Card 3: Advice. Prince of Disks/Knight of Pentacles.

Given that you are both represented by the Wands suit, it does not surprise me to see that the advice card is from the suit of Disks; Pentacles in other suits. This is the element of earth, of literal ground and of grounding energy. I notice again the circles here, repeated in the wheels, the chariot, the background. The words ‘without end’ comes to mind.

With the Prince of Disks in the position of advice, there is a need for the energy to be harnessed, there is a need for a definite focus and direction. I think too of cause and effect; seeing how the circles also represent energy radiating out reminds me of ripples in a pond? 
Because the context is love of life in the hiding card, there needs to be some kind of shared focus for all this enegy. It needs some kind of practical grounding.

The bull represents the energy of fire, (think smoke from a bull’s nostrils) but here it is very much under direction. Again, I am drawn to two main ideas: order and focus. Seems like there are some discussions that need to be had. Your energy will suffer from too much containment, while M appears to requires a sense of balance, security and completion. He is not one for loose ends perhaps? Whereas your energy is all about movement, animated, connected and powerful, making for an exciting, productive life.

Together, Four of wands and the Ace of Wands makes for something very animating and passionate. You are safe with your creative, animating energy when there is a structure to contain it. This is the advice also from the Prince of Disks card:to proceed slowly, with patience and practicality.  Once the focus has been agreed, the path chosen, the world slowed down a bit, the Prince of Disks appears to advise of a patient, steady, grounded and sure progress towards the goal. Given that I had a strong intuitive message to include information on life paths/purpose, I wonder if that is something you might like to explore? Relationships put our self awareness and evolution on steroids They are worth every minute.

Kind regards
Feedback Rating: 4

The reading from Tara was very insightfull.
I didn’t understand everything reading it at first, but going through it again, I found she gives a great explanation on what the cards mean in the positions they are in.
She also added a little bit of numerology, as she felt drawn to do that. Super Service, I would say!