B. United Kingdom.

What is the best course of action relating to my current situation?

The Tarot Reading:
Hi B, Thank you for your question which is quite cryptic.  That is interesting and very okay with me.
 I will use my Spiral Tarot Deck for your reading, for which I will use a traditional Celtic Cross Spread.

The situation: (central cross):
The significator: Seven of cups
Crossing card: The Devil

The central issue for the reading is the assessment and evaluation of an emotional situation; 7 being the number for reflection, assessment and evaluation. and cups being the suit of emotions, relationships and feelings; both expressed and repressed.  Leading up to this point has been some significant conflict and loss within a situation that involves close relationship to one or more others,  to which you have a strong attachment. These turbulent times have been interspersed with times when it was going well, even successfully.
The energetic force that has causes/compounded the need for this assessment is a situation that has become constricting; to the point of feeling helplessly chained and unable to break free. There has also been an unwillingness to break away; after all, this was entered into voluntarily and there was much about this situation that consumed your attention and certain rewards and reasons to stay. But it has led to the point of confusion, where you are quite probably having some difficulty assessing what is real/valid and worthwhile and what is illusion.

What is at the root of this situation? Ace of Cups.

Love. Knowing what a full, satisfying relationship can be like, you held this key of unlimited potential. You worked with this wonderful energy. You focused on the giving and your heart was intent on the magnificence of what this brought to your life; abundance on many levels. You understand emotions. You feel deeply. By nature you are a happy, passionate person and an optimist.

What is above? What is your Higher self calling to you to do? Eight of Swords.

There is so much drama in this card. The woman is bound and blindfolded. She stands in the mud, her hands uplifted. Surrounding her are 8 swords, the suit of intellect, thoughts, communication…words have been weapons, she has them all around her. Yet 8 is the number of movement. The ropes that bind her hands are not tied tightly; in fact, should she so choose, she could put her arms down in a gesture of surrender to what truly is, let the ropes that keep her bound and motionless fall, pull the blindfold off and see this:
The swords are only just sitting on the surface of the water, barely even grounded. What looks like a cage is more illusion! They appear to be embedded yet look at the reflection.The way the reflection plays off the surface of the water, the swords might even be floating. She is half turning towards a light she, blindfolded and bound, cannot see yet senses is there; across the water, within sight a sun rises…there is even a path towards it. Break free. You are under an illusion of powerlessness that is not real.


What is the past energy, that is beginning to recede? Princess of Wands

The suit of wands is connected to the element of fire, to the life force that animates everything. The princess has recently begun to turn her attention to this and away from what has been oppressive. She is beginning to see possibility. There is the seed of growth and a beautiful innocence has emerged. There is no end to the possibilities. The appropriate amount of time has been spent and to move through the Devil card which lies at the centre and must be passed on the way to the future, the princess needs to find her feet and pick up the sword of discernment and cut away those options that do not serve her. It is a call to action, that resonates also in the 8 of Swords.

The approaching energy is the Knight of Swords.

Using the swords in a positive way, he is preparing to take the ‘dragon’ on. His horse appears to be a bit spooked and is not focused on what is ahead as yet. The Knight appears to have just drawn his sword. His gaze is upward and his expression is one of almost joy. Energy is swirling around him. As soon as he manages to pull the horse’s head around and calm the fear, it is mission on and is he ever ready for it!

You, now. Three of Wands.

This is a contemplative time. You are considering options. You know you have ‘sent the boats out’ and wonder what is ahead. All the wands have budded. There is such an energy of new growth. Three often points us to beginnings, particularly to those that involve the positive cooperation of other people. It can indicate a new social, emotionally supportive group of people.
You know how important it is to you to know you are making the right choices for your life. You have inititiated action and you are encouraged to enlist the required support.

Your environment: Princess of Cups

Like the Princess of Wands this princess too has a wonderful relaxed, curious energy. She is still. She is feeling all her emotions from the position of Observer. She folds her hands in rest and simply watches them rise and fall like fish leaping and dancing in the ocean. She is not trying to make anything happen in this moment. The harp catches the breeze and makes its own music. She listens. The sadness that has been such a part of her still is there, but she has reached a place where she has surrendered and allowed her feelings to simply be, with no judgement, no pushing or trying to manage, just being quietly with them, observing them.

Hopes and fear/Advice: Two of Pentacles.

Life is also a practical business. There are things to weight up in this area, after juggling and trying to keep two balls in the air at once, now she stands and for now, the motion, the movement stops and it is time to choose. One ear bends towards the pentacle, as though checking its heartbeat,
The other ear of the juggler’s hat points upwards; an antennae to her intuition. She finds balance in stillness. She is not accustomed to stillness and it will take awhile for all the restless energy we see in the movement of air in the sky and across the water, yet stillness is emerging; peace is coming. This stillness, this cessation of movement is both feared and longed for.

Likely Outcome: Three of Cups.

On this trajectory, the outcome  is one of an emotional celebration, a restoration to life and happy, nurturing relationship

Dear B,
I do not know what the situation to which you refer entails. It certainly feels as though it has been difficult and constraining and I almost want to say brutal. The progression of the cards points to light in the near distance; of support and eventually, of celebration, all indicated in this final card; three of cups. It is clearly a reading concerned with the suit of cups; of relationships and emotions.

To answer your question in a summarized form; the cards are encouraging you to find some stillness, to free yourself from a constricting situation and find the balance you seek. Make the choice, knowing that you will find the support and the new start you crave.
 And if this is totally off track and means nothing to you, please let me know.

I felt a strong need to respect your privacy, by accepting the question and feeling in to the energy in what you have not said. It felt to me as though you are done with talking and explaining and  thinking and just want to know what to do, without having to expose yourself or make yourself vulnerable and the cards tell you that the answer is already within you. Detach from emotion and watch it all with a sense of Princess energy and relaxed curiosity and the ropes will fall off and you will see the new dawn.


Kind regards and blessings to you,

Feedback Rating: 4

Dear Tara

Thank you for my reading, much of which is remarkably accurate in terms of events and emotions, past and present. I am at a crossroads just now, and this is indicated in your closing summary – it is a situation that could end happily, but could also turn very sour. Therefore my best course of action is to remain still and wait, rather than try to steer it. Your intuition around my desire for privacy could not be more accurate – and I hope that this did not inhibit you too much.
I have read this many times and it has provided some closure – for which I am grateful to you.
Thank you again.
