Celtic Cross Reading.

The Celtic Cross is probably the oldest and most well known spread for reading the Tarot.  There will be some variation between readers.  This is how I work with the Celtic Cross:

The first two cards form the inner cross, the heart of the matter, the hub of the circle.   Cards three, four, five and six, the four perpendicular spokes, form the larger cross which overlays the hub. The horizontal line  shows time moving from your past on the left into your future on the right. The vertical line  is your consciousness moving from your unconscious on the bottom to your conscious mind on the top. Together these six cards give you a snapshot of your inner and outer environment at the time of a reading.

The cards seven to ten look at the influences coming from within and without, concluding with the probable outcome.

Card 1: Traditionally: ‘That which covers you.’  The heart of the matter; you in this moment.

Card 2: Traditionally: ‘That which crosses you’. Think of it as a second factor or opinion that can be either undermining or supportive.

Card 3: Traditionally:  ‘That which is beneath you’. The root source; that which is deeper and sometimes hidden, deeper, unacknowledged or unknown, but strongly influencing the situation.

Card 4: Traditionally: ‘That which is behind you.’ Your recent past: a receding, resolved aspect or something that needs to be let go.

Card 5: Traditionally: ‘That which is above you’.  What is most on your mind and also what calls or guides you. This card also is sometimes referred to as ‘possible outcome’, because our thoughts and beliefs have such an impact on our lives.

Card 6: Approaching (near) future: an approaching influence, unresolved factor to work on or quality to embrace.

Card 7: Your self; you as you are, or could be, or how you present, or see yourself.

Card 8: Traditionally: ‘That which surrounds you.’ Your external environment, including others’ perspectives and expectations of you.

Card 9: Traditionally: ‘Your hopes and fears.’ Understanding these two aspects can help you to uncover the push/pull factors that are influencing you at this time.

Card 10: Likely outcome overall of the situation as it currently stands.

This is a great reading to choose when you are wanting to see the ‘big picture’.

Here is a sample Celtic Cross Reading, with name suppressed for privacy.



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