

I’ve said somewhat lightheartedly that if Spirit has hashtags for this current situation they would be


The first one is quite universal, people all around the world have picked up this transmission and it is quickly imprinting into many of our interactions and thought patterns.

I’ve been pondering the significance of the second phrase. I thought it might refer to resources (like toilet paper).

Today I came across Thomas Malthus writing in 1798 ‘An essay on the principle of population’ and the dots started to join so rapidly I needed to write it down as it came.

You might wonder why some dude writing in 1798 triggered an epiphany, why I am here typing away, trying to remind myself not to hit you with all the thoughts I had, but to try to weave them a bit first so they are conscious, concise and coherent.


‘There is enough.’

Feel into the energy of that phrase.

Now just got a moment I’m going to open the door on a thought that is endemic to our world right now.

It’s this:
‘There are too many people in the world’
If you accept that thought as true it leads easily and logically to a dark kind of zeitgeist. The main thought behind most ‘essays’ and agendas on population come from an energetic place of fear, lack and competition. While they may appear neutral and objectively factual, do not be fooled. They really are not. This energy is hierachical, controlling and entitled. You can feel it.

If you were, for arguments sake, one of the privileged few who had been raised to think of this world as your personal mine, (interesting double meaning there; I was thinking of gold mine/resource and it struck me that the ‘mine’ energy is also potentially that selfish grasping energy) would this not lead to being able to sleep easily with the idea of hundreds and thousands of people dying ‘somewhere else’??? Or worse. And you know where that line of thought goes.

I am beginning to see that the second hashtag is actually as strong a message as the first.

If there truly is enough as Spirit is saying, how would the world operate?
How would people behave?

You certainly would not have a basis for any kind of genocide.

It would certainly not have been easy to trigger panic and selfish hoarding if we really knew the second was true and by the way, have you really thought through what that was all about? Where did the fear came from in the first place and why did it hit some people and not others? You have time for all these thoughts so off you go 🙂 but thanks to my dear friend who mentioned subliminal messaging.
#reset 🙂

My grandson knows poverty would be eliminated if resources were shared, if enough really was enough. For all of us. If he gets it, maybe there is hope for us all.

I could write a few thousand words with all the thoughts I’m having but I do not think I need to.

Just remember the hashtags. Once we download them to our personal internal operating systems, then we can move on to living the reset.




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