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Today I thought I would like to do a Tarot reading for Australia and share it with you all.

There are three parts to this reading so I will be succinct.

I began with drawing cards that show the major energies: two representing what at a conscious level assists us and what we need to know might trip us up and two cards representing the same but at a subconscious level. The spread has one central card that represents the country’s main energy at this time, which is The Fool. To those of you unfamiliar with Tarot, the main message of the Fool is being free of fear, which is a wonderful card in this situation.

It is not a Pollyanna fearlessness that the Fool represents, rather the freedom that comes when you are unafraid and trusting that the road will rise up to meet you; the energy of stepping into the unknown. Very briefly, there are two polarities in this situation; fear or love. One is helpful and one is not.

The surrounding cards show that as a country we are very aware of the realities. At a conscious level we are feeling grief, shock and sorrow, represented by the Three of Swords. We are also struggling with knowing we don’t know everything we want to: (The Moon). This is the card of mystery and I always see it as a blessing that the light is not too bright. Some things are too hard to look at with a floodlight and the moonlight is gentler. Be careful though as the subconscious can play tricks of you. Both cards are guided by the Fool. The Fool understands that the sorrow is real, hearts will be broken during this process but does not allow this to be crippling. The Fool also tempers some of the more difficult aspects of the Moon.

So at a conscious level, we are doing as well as could be hoped for.

Moving to the subconscious level, we have the Hanged Man assisting us. Even if we are not consciously aware of it, we recognise that we are in a difficult position and we know that ‘It is what if is’. We are to a degree helpless, but safe, if we don’t struggle. This is a time to be patient and there is something else that is sheer magic about seeing this card in this position for our country’s psyche. The Hanged Man is the archetype for gaining wisdom and enlightenment. Many of us are blessed with the chance to experience the world slowing down, stopping even. Even for those of us who still have to work (and huge gratitude and awareness of that sacrifice by the way) are experiencing a slowing down. In this slowing, this unfamiliar stillness, can be found all kinds of wisdom. I probably don’t need to dwell on that; I am sure we are all finding out what is important and what isn’t.

The energy to be aware of that may be a hindrance in our collective subconscious is represented by the 7 of Cups. The imagery in the Rider Waite Deck shows seven cups containing all kinds of strange things. The cups represent our emotions, seven is the number of reflection and analysis and together there is the very real problem of not knowing what is real and what is not.

This is when I think of all the competing narratives flooding social media. Its a bit like choose your own dystopian nightmare in many ways. Once again I am so grateful that at our core, we are a country that is inherently brave and optimistic. The Fool to me has a Christ like energy; wise but fearless no matter how dark the night.

This is only part one of the reading, but I will leave it here so as not to overwhelm you.

The next reading answers my next question: Show me what we as a country, as a community are facing. The third part looks into the highest possible timeline to see how this country of ours will fare. And as I finish writing part 1 I hear on the radio the lyrics… ‘Oh Sherrie, our love holds on, hold on’. So hold on people.





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I was raised to be a questioner and I am immensely grateful for that.

But my purpose here is not to discuss Twin Flames, but to share some of the ‘gold’ I have found so far in my exploration:

Humans desire connection and once they realise this, there is an enormous potential to wake up and realise that this connection we seek to find with another human being is actually part of something bigger…. and here I wander into fascinating contemplation of unity and oneness.

All relationships are the sandpits of our evolution as humans. We are up close and personal with the best and worst of each other and ourselves. Grow or run. Your choice. But each one changes us and it is meant to!

I do agree with some of the ideas I have encountered.
Yes some relationships have a weird mirror like quality, the shapes of two people and all their developed quirks and shapes fitting together in a way that feels miraculous, destined, familiar.

Then the work begins. Be prepared. If you find that ‘someone’ don’t romanticise it. Be prepared to roll your sleeves up and grab this experience as you would overseas travel!! This is the journey of your life!! Definitely not for the faint-hearted. Be prepared to confront your shadow self and be prepared to have all your baggage put in the living room and unpacked, whether you want it to be or not. This is not a pleasure cruise; this is the equivalent of hiking the Camino trail. Alone.

If you want comfort and security, this is not the place to look!

But if you want to really free yourself, then by all means, enter.

Relationship Reading




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When an idea spreads like a virus, be careful. It probably is.

The concept of Twin Flames currently sweeping through the spiritual community is not new. It is as old as Plato. However the interest in this concept seems to me more to be exploding than growing, meeting as it does our deepest needs for connection, for belonging, for intimacy and often, for a new paradigm into which people in difficult and complex relationships can pour their uncertainty and confusion.

Before I say anything else I have a disclosure. I am a twin. An identical twin in the biological context. Not a spiritual twin, a bona fide flesh and blood one and so of course, I will have a very different perspective to that of singletons.

All my life I have been amused, incredulous, and annoyed at how romanticised and misunderstood the concept of twins is!!!

‘Two of you!!! Which one are you? Can you read each other’s minds’ and on and on it goes!

I see in these questions a longing for intimacy, for merging that no physical twin would ever promote, not without a strong caveat: It is essential for all of us to recognise first, our sovereignty, our autonomy, our edges, before union with another can be wholesome. And so as I listen, read, study and contemplate the Twin Flame theology, I am cautious. From my work, I know too much about Narcissism (malignant self love) and codependence (malignant other love) not to stop and pay very careful attention to the language and energy of the Twin Flames discussion and notice the huge potential for confusing the two.

Another disclaimer: I choose not to ‘believe’ anything. When presented with an interesting concept like Twin flames I remain open, aware I can not possibly KNOW something I’ve never thought about. I am in a state of gathering and sifting information until such time as it shifts into either
something I truly resonate with and can now say I know or I dismiss all or parts of the idea.

Relationship Reading


Question 5 for your Tarot Reader.

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Do you use only Tarot or are you interdisciplinary?

I am interdisciplinary. I always include Reiki in my readings. It is how I connect energetically with you. I also refer to numerology, runes and sometimes I find myself chanelling other information as it comes to me.  The more I study, the more I realise that everything is connected and that wisdom comes through many doors.

There is a synchronicity, a similarity, a design to all esoteric wisdom teachings. The deeper I go, the more I see the continuity, the agreement, the congruence and the more I am persuaded of the truth that all is one, which makes it unlikely that I would use only one channel of information.

Every reading is different and I work with what will give the most accurate result.