
Question 6 for your Tarot Reader

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Is the Message in the Cards, or in your Head?

This is a valid question. As the world stage is flooded with new tarot decks, as many decks as there are coffee shops in Melbourne, I understand why you would ask this.

In more traditional decks, the cards are full of symbolism, astrological references, numerological references, the Kabbalah, all sorts of esoteric systems.

The modern approach is to read ‘intuitively’ like a sort of art appreciation course where truth is in the interpretation of the beholder, a form of narrative story telling that speaks directly to the subconscious of the person for whom you are reading.

This releases the constraints on intuition for sure, yet is can be a shallow experience if this is all the reader does.

The cards most definitely do contain the message. I have been astounded by their ability to accurately identify the situations, and then go on to provide insightful advice). However, they would lie dormant and silent if there was not an interpreter present.

That is where the ‘in my head’ part of the question comes in. I act as the interpreter, as I know the language they are speaking. I have learned it patiently over time, so it is ‘in my head’ in the sense of acquired knowledge. It is also ‘in my head’ in the sense that there is no one meaning for any one card and they will give their message by the connections, placement, whether reversed or upright; they have many ways to communicate and this is where intuition truly kicks in.

The connection I make to Spirit and to you is one that allows information that on a human level I could not possibly know, to come through to you and I know when this is happening because I receive confirmation in my physical body (often in the form of arm hairs standing on end) and in my Spirit, with a calm YES. It always resonates as truth with the person for whom I am reading which is a third confirmation that Truth is coming through.

So in summary: the answer is both 🙂


Question 4 for your Tarot Reader.

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4: Is There Anything You Can’t Predict in a Reading?

 This is an interesting question.

Some things are better not known. I do not answer questions about health, death, or the actions of another person.

Nothing stands still.  The future is a world of sliding doors. There is only now. Everything happens now, so that is my focus. I am also an energy worker and a messenger so at times I will see know and hear things that I am to pass on to you.

Some readers are more comfortable than others with predictions. I tend to avoid being too prescriptive. In my own experience, predictions are just signposts to one of many destinations and we can alter that with the power of our decisions and choices. I have seen people become quite passive after receiving a prediction and become in effect, spectators on the sidelines of their own life. Not good!

However, I certainly am able and willing to look at the major energetic influences coming up so that you can prepare yourself to work with them. Numerology also contains a larger kind of blueprint that I may refer to for a deeper understanding in our readings.

I will be able to tell you what the likely outcome for the current trajectory or situation and provide other information as to why this is so, and what you might do to alter the potential outcome if that is your desire. It is a map. You are the driver. If you want specific answers to questions about your future, then I am not the reader for you. I do not take on the role of chauffeur. If you ever were a passenger in the car in a city with me, you certainly would probably understand why.



Question 2 for Your Tarot Reader.

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2. Are you a Psychic or a Tarot Reader?

Previously I would have replied no to this question of being a psychic, but as I complete more face to face healings and readings, I now have to say that honestly, I never know what to expect. It all depends on the situation and what is needed. I follow my inner knowing, I guess would be the simplest way to respond.

I even googled ‘psychic’ to see how many definitions is has. The Merriam-Webster has this to say:

1 : of or relating to the psyche
2 : lying outside the sphere of physical science or knowledge : immaterial, moral, or spiritual in origin or force
3 : sensitive to nonphysical or supernatural forces and influences : marked by extraordinary or mysterious sensitivity, perception, or understanding.
Well, all three certainly apply, so…. yes, if pressed I would have to answer ‘yes’ but I do not use this particular label as I feel it is misunderstood.
Often this question is a precurser to a request to know something about the future. I do not predict the future, simply because in a world of sliding doors it is your decisions that create your reality, one step at a time.