
Question 10 for your Tarot Reader

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Is There Anything You Won’t Predict in a Reading?

I prefer not to deal in predictions. I think in terms of possibilities, taking the advice and information that is in the reading to help you to understand what tools you have around you (and I am not referring to potential partners here). You will be able to see the likely outcome for the path you are currently on, as well as multiple points where you can adjust your course.


There is often very little to be gained from ‘knowing’ things in advance, as nothing stands still and in asking for predictions you are in effect, handing your power over and abnegating your birthright to create your own magnificent life. The truth is that there is no time other than this present moment, so I will continue to bring you back to the present moment.


I designed my Four Energies spread to provide a more useful alternative to prediction.

For example, rather than read on the question: Will I meet my soul mate and when, rather than tell you that yes you will meet your soulmate and on the Winter Solstice, I would much prefer to use the four energies spread and put you in the centre. The centre card represents your current energy, those above, what assists and hinders your quest to find a healthy relationship, those below what is going on at a subconscious level with your quest. This way you have tons of information to work with.


While on the topic of exclusions, I do not answer physical health related questions for the very good reason that I am not trained to do so and it is a boundary cross. I will again look at the energy surrounding you and give suggestions as they present themselves through the cards. The medical profession is trained to answer specific health related questions.

The other exclusion is an ethical one. Please avoid questions for Tarot that want information on a third party with whom you are not in a close relationship, because you are in effect asking me to energetically act in a way that is perilously close to going through someone’s phone and we all know how THAT pans out!

We do not operate as islands however.  One of the areas I seem to have the most questions about is, of course, relationships and especially from those seeking to differentiate a true relationship from an entanglement. I had to consider this issue for some time to arrive at the place where I was sure of  position on this, before including the Relationship Spread in my list of readings. I will therefore look at your relationship questions on these conditions: that you understand that any information the cards may bring up comes from your own knowing, and that while the combination of your energies with this other person create the third ‘person’ in this reading, which is the relationship itself, you are and remain two autonomous beings. When interpreting this reading, you will recognise that it is nothing new to you, it is just placed where you can see it.

This is part of the ‘Untangle’ package also, designed particularly for those who find themselves lost within relationships.

A reading will be beneficial when you frame your question in the first person. You are the one seeking guidance. It is therefore, you that I concentrate on.







Question 7 for your Tarot Reader

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7.  Are you a priest or a fortune teller?

That is a complex question and I don’t use either terms to describe myself.

A priest is usually a go between, a mediator, so in that regard, yes, it would be understandable to think of me in that way. Like a priest, I have studied for many years to reach the level of understanding I now have. However, my intention is more to hook you back up with your own Higher Self and your own intuitive knowing, than to remain the go between.  I would describe myself as more a tour guide I think; a local who knows the territory and is a good map reader 🙂

Am I a fortune teller?

Sure, I can look at the cards and let you know what is ahead on your current trajectory but that is all. The future changes with every decision you make, narrowing down a million possibilities with each choice you make along the way.



Question 4 for your Tarot Reader.

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4: Is There Anything You Can’t Predict in a Reading?

 This is an interesting question.

Some things are better not known. I do not answer questions about health, death, or the actions of another person.

Nothing stands still.  The future is a world of sliding doors. There is only now. Everything happens now, so that is my focus. I am also an energy worker and a messenger so at times I will see know and hear things that I am to pass on to you.

Some readers are more comfortable than others with predictions. I tend to avoid being too prescriptive. In my own experience, predictions are just signposts to one of many destinations and we can alter that with the power of our decisions and choices. I have seen people become quite passive after receiving a prediction and become in effect, spectators on the sidelines of their own life. Not good!

However, I certainly am able and willing to look at the major energetic influences coming up so that you can prepare yourself to work with them. Numerology also contains a larger kind of blueprint that I may refer to for a deeper understanding in our readings.

I will be able to tell you what the likely outcome for the current trajectory or situation and provide other information as to why this is so, and what you might do to alter the potential outcome if that is your desire. It is a map. You are the driver. If you want specific answers to questions about your future, then I am not the reader for you. I do not take on the role of chauffeur. If you ever were a passenger in the car in a city with me, you certainly would probably understand why.