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I was raised to be a questioner and I am immensely grateful for that.

But my purpose here is not to discuss Twin Flames, but to share some of the ‘gold’ I have found so far in my exploration:

Humans desire connection and once they realise this, there is an enormous potential to wake up and realise that this connection we seek to find with another human being is actually part of something bigger…. and here I wander into fascinating contemplation of unity and oneness.

All relationships are the sandpits of our evolution as humans. We are up close and personal with the best and worst of each other and ourselves. Grow or run. Your choice. But each one changes us and it is meant to!

I do agree with some of the ideas I have encountered.
Yes some relationships have a weird mirror like quality, the shapes of two people and all their developed quirks and shapes fitting together in a way that feels miraculous, destined, familiar.

Then the work begins. Be prepared. If you find that ‘someone’ don’t romanticise it. Be prepared to roll your sleeves up and grab this experience as you would overseas travel!! This is the journey of your life!! Definitely not for the faint-hearted. Be prepared to confront your shadow self and be prepared to have all your baggage put in the living room and unpacked, whether you want it to be or not. This is not a pleasure cruise; this is the equivalent of hiking the Camino trail. Alone.

If you want comfort and security, this is not the place to look!

But if you want to really free yourself, then by all means, enter.

Relationship Reading