
Question 8 for your Tarot Reader.

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ARE YOU A FIXER OR A LOOKER? I think this is one of the most important questions that underpins the whole process of healing and indeed all relationships humans enter into. Where do I begin and end? Often we seek readings when we feel confused or lost and it is precisely at those moments that […]


Question 10 for your Tarot Reader

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Is There Anything You Won’t Predict in a Reading? I prefer not to deal in predictions. I think in terms of possibilities, taking the advice and information that is in the reading to help you to understand what tools you have around you (and I am not referring to potential partners here). You will be […]


Question 9 for your Tarot Reader

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Do you read for free or for a fee? There are two, probably more, Universal Laws at play here: The law of Reciprocity and The Law of compensation, or Cause and Effect. There are as many opinions about this topic as there are practitioners. It took some time for me to be sure what was […]


Question 6 for your Tarot Reader

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Is the Message in the Cards, or in your Head? This is a valid question. As the world stage is flooded with new tarot decks, as many decks as there are coffee shops in Melbourne, I understand why you would ask this. In more traditional decks, the cards are full of symbolism, astrological references, numerological […]