
Question 7 for your Tarot Reader

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7.  Are you a priest or a fortune teller?

That is a complex question and I don’t use either terms to describe myself.

A priest is usually a go between, a mediator, so in that regard, yes, it would be understandable to think of me in that way. Like a priest, I have studied for many years to reach the level of understanding I now have. However, my intention is more to hook you back up with your own Higher Self and your own intuitive knowing, than to remain the go between.  I would describe myself as more a tour guide I think; a local who knows the territory and is a good map reader 🙂

Am I a fortune teller?

Sure, I can look at the cards and let you know what is ahead on your current trajectory but that is all. The future changes with every decision you make, narrowing down a million possibilities with each choice you make along the way.



Question 5 for your Tarot Reader.

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Do you use only Tarot or are you interdisciplinary?

I am interdisciplinary. I always include Reiki in my readings. It is how I connect energetically with you. I also refer to numerology, runes and sometimes I find myself chanelling other information as it comes to me.  The more I study, the more I realise that everything is connected and that wisdom comes through many doors.

There is a synchronicity, a similarity, a design to all esoteric wisdom teachings. The deeper I go, the more I see the continuity, the agreement, the congruence and the more I am persuaded of the truth that all is one, which makes it unlikely that I would use only one channel of information.

Every reading is different and I work with what will give the most accurate result.






How can an online Tarot reading POSSIBLY work???

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I understand your question and why you ask it. After all, it is the interaction, the connection we all seek and how can you possibly experience this with a person you can’t even see? And what about those cards? You want to see them too, right? I mean, how do you KNOW I am not using a computer generated program for instance?

When you work with me this is what happens. You come across my site and after looking around, decide to try me out. You send me a question. I receive your message. I am an energy worker as well as a Tarot reader, so when I receive your message, I create a space for you. I can feel the energy of your question and also read between the lines to see what you are not saying, whether you are in the room with me or far away. I connect with you energetically. Time and space sure are useful constructs for navigating around our physical world but they are not ‘real’ in the way we assume they are.

I read you question, I tune in, I choose the deck, reading, positions, then I listen. After I hear, I begin writing. My readings are usually about 1000 works in length and I outline all the above decisions, then upload images of the cards. I interpret the card, the position and the overall narrative of the reading. I am a messenger. I write all that comes to me and send it to you.

I understand if you feel a little skeptical. I did too when I started reading for people I had not ‘met’ but I grew quickly to love what I did. I completed over 80 readings for people I had never ‘met’ through the Biddy Tarot Free Reading Platform and of these only three did not rate the reading as a 5 star quality service. It was such a buzz to know I had been accurate, as otherwise everyone’s time was ultimately being wasted.

Accuracy and usefulness matter.

The benefit to you in working online in this way, is that you don’t have to take time out of your schedule, you don’t have to travel, you simply send an email and go about your day and within 48 hours you will have a document containing all the information from that reading. No need to try to remember it either. You have it there to refer to, to read and digest. After this, we may well continue to talk as often a reading will answer one question and pose more. This is all part of the service; the debrief afterwards that I do with face to face clients is what I also offer to you.

For your interest, I decided to include some testimonials from clients I have worked with online. All identifying information including names has been removed for privacy reasons.


Hi Tara, Thank you so much for the reading! I think you did an awesome job! I was really emotional reading it. There were so many things I loved about your reading… First, the Thoth deck…I had never really seen it before but really loved the images of what I saw. The questions you asked for me were perfect. I loved how you explained the cards to me. You were thorough, understandable, confident and reassuring. You really have such a nice way with words! Wise and you gave great advice….

And lastly, it was great to get your take and intuitive read on my questions and the cards!


Dear Tara, Thanks so much for your prompt and detailed reading. I have never seen the deck you use before, so it was interesting to see the different imagery and interpretations they suggest. Of course, this is hugely confronting for me to read your thoughts, and I appreciate your candour. I have sat with my reactions to your reading all day. I really did feel that you were engaging fully with me and my question, and doing what your ‘gut’ said was needed, rather than following some formula. And the cards drawn were so appropriate. …..So, all up, your reading really spoke to where I am at and how best to use my time in the immediate future.


Dear Tara Acie, I am honest and open with my feedback to you. I have had a few tarot readings over phone a couple of months back (charged money), but I could understand that I had to give details as they asked questions because I was new. Whereas, you (from what I feel and understand from the way you answered) have given some clear answers with just what I have told about myself. This is really appreciable and amazing. Firstly, the moment I started reading your answer, I felt a surge of worthiness from the words

…. Really, you were one of the few persons who reminded me that ‘I am great as I am’,


I love the work I do. Can’t wait to work with you!!


Until next time,



Question 4 for your Tarot Reader.

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4: Is There Anything You Can’t Predict in a Reading?

 This is an interesting question.

Some things are better not known. I do not answer questions about health, death, or the actions of another person.

Nothing stands still.  The future is a world of sliding doors. There is only now. Everything happens now, so that is my focus. I am also an energy worker and a messenger so at times I will see know and hear things that I am to pass on to you.

Some readers are more comfortable than others with predictions. I tend to avoid being too prescriptive. In my own experience, predictions are just signposts to one of many destinations and we can alter that with the power of our decisions and choices. I have seen people become quite passive after receiving a prediction and become in effect, spectators on the sidelines of their own life. Not good!

However, I certainly am able and willing to look at the major energetic influences coming up so that you can prepare yourself to work with them. Numerology also contains a larger kind of blueprint that I may refer to for a deeper understanding in our readings.

I will be able to tell you what the likely outcome for the current trajectory or situation and provide other information as to why this is so, and what you might do to alter the potential outcome if that is your desire. It is a map. You are the driver. If you want specific answers to questions about your future, then I am not the reader for you. I do not take on the role of chauffeur. If you ever were a passenger in the car in a city with me, you certainly would probably understand why.