
Tarot Reading for Victoria 10/08/2020

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Sky seen from within an Ancient Birthing Tree – taraacie

I took this reading down not long after I first put it up, when the situation seemed to be getting very loud and divisive. I took the opportunity to edit out my own opinions because it was not part of the reading. It never is. If it is, I am out of integrity.

The second reason was that it did not have images of the cards I was using. I apologise for the formatting. I need to catch up with the updates and familiarise myself with these changes.

So here is the reinstated reading from September 2020:

This is a reading to take the temperature of Victoria at this moment and to see what energies are afoot and what the likely outcome will be, bearing in mind that my focus is always going to be on the best possible outcome. I am using the Spiral Tarot deck by Kay Steventon and a Celtic Cross spread.

I acknowledge the variety and spectrum of opinions out there in the political and ideological arena. I do not subscribe to any particular ideology, so don’t try to persuade me to see only your view. My ideology is that there are only two generating energies: fear or love. I don’t choose fear.

My questions are:

1: How are we doing with this pandemic?
2: What is the outcome looking like on this current path?

Card 1: Knight of Pentacles

The Knight is a person who takes action on behalf of others. His role historically is one of service.
Pentacles relates to all the practical issues of life; homes, jobs, money, health. It is a very grounded energy.

Here we see the Knight off his horse, not charging around heroically, but taking time to be down on the ground in the vegetable patch, carefully thinking things through. I see this very much as Dan Andrews. I am aware of what is being said about him, but this is an energy reading, not a political one.

The Knight of Pentacles is well prepared for the work, he is not flashy, he has a draught horse as his steed. This is a practical and steady person. Many people dismiss the Knight of Pentacles, wanting fire, show and action, but in a crisis, this is a very balancing energy.

So how is this Knight doing? Nine of Cups

I am drawn to two interpretations; the first is that there is a gap! Cups is the suit of the emotions, of relationships and that nine is the number of a culmination of a cycle. I read this as there being 90% support and social connection and coherence and a rogue element of only 10% that might undermine the process. Being a 9, I also have optimism that the current strategies are containing the worst of what this situation could be, but there is also a warning inherent. We need to take notice of that.

What is the Main Energy of this moment : the Hanged Man

In short: so long as we don’t struggle and fight, so long as we accept that we are between the rock and the hard place we will be okay. We can fight it and get rope burn, or we can relax and trust. The rainbow behind our figure is the age old promise of protection. When this card comes up in a reading it usually points to a situation that is beyond our human control and acceptance of what is, is the wiser path. Of course, struggle and fight if your want but you’ll be in danger of banging your head against the rocks 🙂 As always, the choice is yours, but as a collective society, your actions might be the break in the circle or the thing that gets us all through to a better world.

Will the current strategy be successful in containing the virus?

-The World

This is the last card in the Major Arcana, and is a very positive card to draw in relation to a troubling and difficult situation because it is the card of culmination: and ending and a productive one, that contains in its ending, the start of a new world. The first thing my attention is drawn to is the circle around which I interpret as a protective egg 🙂 I feel very sure that so long as we don’t argue and struggle, so long as together we can be patient and not demanding or selfish or frightened, (the warnings in 9 of cups and The Hanged Man) we come through together. Not all of us will, tragically, but lets start from here and get as many of us over the finish line as possible.

The next card, 7 of Wands continues the discussion.

Wands are the suit of Fire, relating to life purpose, creativity, drive, all that animates.
7 is the number of deep reflection, or reevaluation. Here the farmer is checking the strength and vitality of the crop. This virus certainly is creating opportunity to review …everything!

I have noticed how more and more commentators are noticing that this virus has shone a floodlight onto the vulnerabilities in our social systems, to where things are in need or review, and how this is a chance to see another way of doing things. For example, I saw an interview last night where a woman, now working at home had brought her mother out of aged care and into the family home. Her children, many not working, had the time to visit and this is the kind of reviewing this virus has allowed. How do we want to live? What is important? Is there a better way than the old normal?
This card addresses all of this as it is not only a culmination but a possible rebirth. Very wonderful.

What will be the likely outcome, given this path we are currently on?

-The Star.

This is the card or recovery and healing. It is a card that comes up in readings once someone is safely through a dangerous, often toxic situation. How literal do the cards need to be 🙂

To those who have accepted another reality, I want to simply say this:

The fight for the minds of people is real and confusion shock and fear are potent and easily used against us. I am reminding you of your innate ability to discern the truth for yourself. To do that you need to move from your head as thoughts are nefarious and inherited and pervasive, but true knowing is much simpler. Follow your inner gut knowing. 🙂


A Reading for the United States of America. 07/11/2020

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I was asked if I could do a reading for the United States of America, which I am more than happy to do.

You all know what is unfolding. Some of you reading this, may have well formed beliefs that this reading may not align with. That is ok.

My question of the cards this morning was to the soul of the United States.
How are you doing?
How did we get to this place?
What is ahead?

Because I am stepping backwards and forwards along the timeline, I know that they are still in flux, and so this reading is current as at 8:30 pm Eastern Daylight Savings time in Australia and at this point, with what energies are currently at play, this is the reading.

I am using the Light Seers Tarot deck, by Chris-Anne and a Celtic Cross Spread, because that provides the broadest window.

Central Cards: 5 of Pentacles, crossed by the Four of Pentacles.

This is the energy of the soul of the United States.
This person is suffering and feeling excluded, abandoned and neglected.
This energy is explained with the situation being crossed by the Four of Pentacles. This card, being a four, relates to structure and foundations in the practical suit of Pentacles, reveals the fear of impending lack which is why it is referred to as the miser card.

People are hurting as a result of the pandemic and also by the bitter and punitive partisanship that has denied that people are dying and falling into poverty, by insisting that they have never had it better. It has been a prolonged and intentional mass gaslighting. Money has been held tightly on to and used as a club with the result that the desperately needed financial assistance in the form of a second stimulus check did not arrive when it was needed. Miserly energy holds on and hoards, and the result is much suffering.

Together, these two cards form the basis of how the USA is doing.

The next two card shows the subconscious and invisible and the conscious thoughts; what is at the base of this reading and what is ‘above’ or visible.

Nine of Swords appears as the basis and represents the subconscious collective mind, with Five of Wands on a visible level, showing what energy is coming form higher up.

At the base of this reading, the root issue, is the pain, suffering and heartache being endured. Nine refers to the end of a cycle. Some people may not even be aware that at this subconscious level, they are actually feeling the pain of suffering, because it is often disguised as anger or fear. I think of Buddha’s teaching that the course of all suffering is the ATTACHMENT to desire. How desperately was the outcome of this election desired by both sides! That’s attachment. That’s where the sting is.

What is going on to cause such suffering? The Five of Wands card shows what people are consciously aware of; it is the card of arguments, fighting, bickering, posturing, everyone sure they are right. The wand represents passion and fire. All people, parties and organisations that foster hate and division can be held responsible for fanning the flames. An election is not supposed to be under a threat of civil war but here, we know that to be if not true, at least worryingly possible. When a certain male offspring stands and tells people if they are not ready for war and ‘to fight this thing to the death, leave the party’, it is an incitement where the country will only lose if people fall for the rhetoric.

I must say that if this was in the suit of Swords, I would not have been surprised. Because it is the Five of Wands though I am relieved, because although it is noisy and scrappy and totally ineffectual, in this suit, the conflict is far less brutal. I think the shared suffering at the centre of the reading is tamping down the fires that were being so publicly fanned and encouraged with awful war laced rhetoric and I am relieved to see that. The doom and gloom timeline of civil war, though definitely touted as possible by many, seems to have been moderated somehow.

In the Recent Past position is the Five of Cups. The Five of Cups is the number of change in the watery suit of Cups and shows a point in time where people came to the difficult realisation that they were bitterly disappointed and unhappy enough to want change. (5 is the number of change, often accompanied with conflict and loss, which is why we resist it.)

The Queen of Pentacles in the near Future, is a secure, peaceful generous energy. There is no incompetence, neither is there any lack, only abundance. She is a careful manager of resources in a calm, fair and kind way, and brings a much needed sense of calm.

The way the USA sees itself or the way it is seen by others, (or needs to be seen in future) is represented by the 7 of Wands, the number for reflection and reevaluation in the fire energy department of life purpose and motivation. This is a beautiful card, because the woman here is relaxed and feeling safe. Just as importantly, she is drawing her energy back to herself, empowering herself after having given her power away for a time. The closed eyes with the hand pose has such a tranquil energy. Dream. Don’t watch the circus. Detach from drama. What do you want? How do you want to live? How do you want to feel?

The environment of the reading is the Two of Swords. Twos always seek balance and harmony, and that is one meaning. Swords are of the air element, dealing with thoughts beliefs and communication. This image is so relevant to the current situation of division, which is almost totally built on belief systems. It is almost a mental torment to have opposing crows squawking in either ear at the same time. To maintain balance in this situation is not easy, hence the blindfold. With this, she is able to turn to her inner knowing which is why she is smiling. Balance is possible, in communication, thoughts and ideas.

The next card is in the position of Hopes and/or Fears: the Ace of Pentacles.

Here it represents the hopes of the USA for healing after the pain represented in the central cards. America is ready to rebuild and this Ace is held with an open hand. I see in this not only a rebuilding (it is the element of earth and all things practical) and specifically in this reading, it relates to money being available.

As a side note, I would suggest it won’t be a surprise to find the coffers have been raided, but the country will rebuild, but this will be something new that benefits everyone. The one casualty that came to matter most to Americans during this extended election scenario, turned out to be democracy.

The final card shows the likely Outcome of the reading given the current energies: Two of Cups.

Two of Cups is probably the most welcome card to see in this position. It is the promise of agreement, unity and peace. The country will be, for the first time, truly United States. I drew a further two cards that showed me that there patience will be required. Legalities will hold things up, but a Judgement will be handed down that will be met with celebrations.

So don’t be afraid. Everything is unfolding exactly as it should.


Does Anyone Know Anything for Sure?

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If there is one thing this year has taught me, it is the wisdom of the Hanged Man. Sweet surrender, patience and the humility to acknowledge that I know far less than I thought I did only a few short months ago. I am safe in this suspended position, dreaming a new world into existence. It starts with releasing all old ideas and beliefs. It continues with softening, opening, the waiting period as timelines writhe and twist and compete below me. I will not add to the fire or fury; it signifies nothing more than the death throes of the old systems. They scream as they come undone, brick by brick. I am safe, I am held, I am connected to All That Is.



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I’ve said somewhat lightheartedly that if Spirit has hashtags for this current situation they would be


The first one is quite universal, people all around the world have picked up this transmission and it is quickly imprinting into many of our interactions and thought patterns.

I’ve been pondering the significance of the second phrase. I thought it might refer to resources (like toilet paper).

Today I came across Thomas Malthus writing in 1798 ‘An essay on the principle of population’ and the dots started to join so rapidly I needed to write it down as it came.

You might wonder why some dude writing in 1798 triggered an epiphany, why I am here typing away, trying to remind myself not to hit you with all the thoughts I had, but to try to weave them a bit first so they are conscious, concise and coherent.


‘There is enough.’

Feel into the energy of that phrase.

Now just got a moment I’m going to open the door on a thought that is endemic to our world right now.

It’s this:
‘There are too many people in the world’
If you accept that thought as true it leads easily and logically to a dark kind of zeitgeist. The main thought behind most ‘essays’ and agendas on population come from an energetic place of fear, lack and competition. While they may appear neutral and objectively factual, do not be fooled. They really are not. This energy is hierachical, controlling and entitled. You can feel it.

If you were, for arguments sake, one of the privileged few who had been raised to think of this world as your personal mine, (interesting double meaning there; I was thinking of gold mine/resource and it struck me that the ‘mine’ energy is also potentially that selfish grasping energy) would this not lead to being able to sleep easily with the idea of hundreds and thousands of people dying ‘somewhere else’??? Or worse. And you know where that line of thought goes.

I am beginning to see that the second hashtag is actually as strong a message as the first.

If there truly is enough as Spirit is saying, how would the world operate?
How would people behave?

You certainly would not have a basis for any kind of genocide.

It would certainly not have been easy to trigger panic and selfish hoarding if we really knew the second was true and by the way, have you really thought through what that was all about? Where did the fear came from in the first place and why did it hit some people and not others? You have time for all these thoughts so off you go 🙂 but thanks to my dear friend who mentioned subliminal messaging.
#reset 🙂

My grandson knows poverty would be eliminated if resources were shared, if enough really was enough. For all of us. If he gets it, maybe there is hope for us all.

I could write a few thousand words with all the thoughts I’m having but I do not think I need to.

Just remember the hashtags. Once we download them to our personal internal operating systems, then we can move on to living the reset.