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Many people were and/or are unsure how to vote and with the best of intentions will change their minds according to the persuasiveness of the last argument that’s presented. Arguments are like shards of glass.

Given that everything is energy, I’d rather look at that. What is the overall energy behind each of these campaigns? I read the pamphlet that arrived and it is this I use to interpret the energies as both arguments are objectively presented.

I will begin with Runes for the No Campaign, asking ‘What is the overall energy of the No position?’

Raido, (journey) Perthro (the unknown and unknowable) and Uruz, (strength controlled)


The intention appears to be to move Australian voters (Raido) through the unknowable (Perthro) towards the destination of rejecting the proposed amendment to the constitution by will power and force (Uruz) by harnessing fear of that unknown. It is not hard to do. Change can be difficult if you are fearful. The alternative response to Perthro is to approach the unknown as the infinite possibility.

All change includes mystery and uncertainty. The No campaign zeroes in on that uncertainty and adds fear in order to control/dominate the debate. (Uruz relates to power and persistence)

This is achieved through a constant feed of what if-isms.

But we are not unfamiliar with this. We went through this same energy with the equal marriage referendum. I still haven’t seen horses in bridal gowns. Perhaps I live a sheltered life.

As humans we can decide if the unknown is scary or exciting. How we face it will depend on what is inside us, on our own energy. Can we face something new with curiosity and optimism? Or are we going to face it with fear and cynicism?

Tarot Reading for the No Campaign:

Five of Pentacles , 10 of Wands, Ace of Pentacles and 6 or Swords.

Once again the energy of the No argument feels heavy. In the 5 of Pentacles, there are two bedraggled characters walking through the snow together, out in the cold. Inside the building they are passing, are light and warmth and other people. Us and Them.

Ten of Wands is feeling the struggle of trying to push sticks uphill and not giving up no matter how long and hard it is. So intent is the character in this card on not dropping a stick, he cannot see the path ahead but will push on regardless.

At a deeper level, with the Ace of Pentacles it’s about money. Big money somehow somewhere. It is also promising calmer waters with the six of wands. It’s a weird energy. It plays both sides.

It appeals to all who feel left out or excluded, from all quarters, (five of pentacles) and to those who want to move away from a troubled past and start over. (Six of Swords)


Summary: The energy of the No campaign is ‘keep hold of the reins and keep raising what if-isms while we push the agenda through.’

Smudge and Move On:

The Runes for the Energy of the Yes Campaign are:

Ansuz: (Listen before you speak),
Laguz: (flow) and

I have several sets of runes, only one set contains a blank rune.

The energy of the Yes campaign appears here to be exactly what the Yes campaign says it is about with Ansuz. “Find your ears before you speak.’ Listen to the Voice might be another way of saying it.

There is a humility with this Rune, it waits to hear before it speaks. This Rune is also about communication with a higher level of consciousness. We all have this; it is sometimes called the Knowing or Higher Self. Another of its aspects is the potential to transform consciousness.

Laguz has a contemplative and humble energy when you look at it, because it resembles a person with a bowed head. It relates also to the water, the emotions, the collective contemplation. It is about creating unimpeded flow by finding and removing obstructions.

The blank rune appears when we need to be reminded that we write our futures with every decision we make. We know by knowing not by being told. Remember that.

Themes are humility, open mindedness, compassion and truth.

Tarot Reading for the Energy of the Yes Campaign:

Seven of Pentacles, King of Cups, Four of Wands and the Queen of Swords.

The Seven of Pentacles is the review, the assessment of all the previous strategies. What grew well? What didn’t? What matters? Where do we put the focus?
And that is answered by the next three cards. The emotionally stable compassionate and grounded King of Cups is open and welcoming.
The Queen of Swords is a truth teller and the Four of Wands denotes a community celebration.

Just my thoughts. Over to you.


LIFE LESSONS FROM BEING HOMELESS: the most poetic non poem ever

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  1. Two people can live the exact same day and come to diametrically different conclusions
  2. All I need fits into the back of a car.
  3. Home is something I carry within me.
  4. I always have everything I need, if I need only what I have.
  5. I am safe and the Universe is nurturing.
  6. Gratitude is the most powerful tool I have.
  7. Everything is exactly as it should be, because if it was not as it should be, it would not be. Exactly
  8. What we think matters, probably doesn’t.
  9. Life is not created by wanting, it is created by allowing.
  10. The only thing that makes something more important than something else, is focus. Life is a screen with every imaginable possibility on it.
  11. Being kind always trumps being right.
  12. What other people think of me is none of my business.
  13. My only goal is to live life authentically
  14. Happiness IS a choice

Sample Four Energies Spread

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The question here was a generic ‘What is going on/What do I need to know’ question that I used the Thoth deck and this spread to see what the energies around the querent were as it is very capable of picking up darker elements other decks do not. I use it when there is a heaviness to the situation, for reasons that are eluding the person.

The card at the centre represented the person in this present moment. Above is the conscious level; on the left, what is helping, on the right, what is obstructing. Below on a subconscious level on the left is what is helping and on the right, what is obstructing.

Centre Card: Ten of Swords – Ruin, was right in the centre of the spread. this card represented the present energetic reality. Ouch!

A note to all readers, no you cannot put cards away and start over if they look grim!
It is important to use the combination of position and card meaning in this spread


Ten is the number of something that has gone on beyond its natural ending point. It is time to stand up because the feeling of powerlessness is an illusion.
At its centre of this image, notice that the heart is still shining.
Swords are the in the element of air; thoughts, communication, the intellect, the cognitive mind. Often when this card appears, you will have been hurt over and over and have allowed the swords to stay. The mind may have been trying to make sense of things and you may feel utterly worn out, but you are more powerful than you realise at the moment. The cards numbered 10 in each suit represent the end of a cycle. This card acknowledges how you feel and what you have experienced, but also let you know it is at an end.

Card 2: That which assists and I am consciously aware of: 4 of Wands – Completion

Wands are of the fire element, animating life force. This is clearly needed to counteract the central energy of suffering and betrayal and powerlessness. It is time for completion, because that is what on a conscious level, you already know is needed.

Circle the wagons. Create a safe place and warm yourself at your own campfire. It is time to bring this phase to an end. Nothing can hurt you if you do not give your power away.

Card 3: That which obstructs that you are also consciously aware of: five of Swords – Defeat

When there is a win at all costs situation, it is a conflict with no winners. You may have been involved in a quite brutal situation, where either you or another have been fighting to win. Cease fighting. Withdraw. The energy of this interacts and reinforces the feelings of defeat, hopelessness and ruin evident in the central card, yet while 5 is the number of conflict and loss, it is also the number of transition and change. If you draw on the advice in the second card, you will bring this to an end. Often it is simple as just refusing to struggle, knowing that it is not going to be a happy outcome for anyone, not even the perceived winner.

Next we move to the subconscious level, to the energies there that you are not consciously aware of until now.

Card 4: That which assists you but you are not yet aware of: Blank

You have a blank slate, a new start. All that is required here is to let go and write a new script. Eliminate those who want the conflict to continue. Stop engaging in a hopeless situation with no winners

Card 5: That which obstructs that you are not yet aware of: 8 of Swords – Interference.

There are two key players, each equally hurt and hurting the other. It is an old wound, a pattern of behaviour that has become entrenched. It plays back into the central card and affects you at your core.

I recognised in this spread, the voice of the ego and saw how this person was in a grim place, disconnected from the Self. I felt that it would be helpful to draw another 5 cards and lay them over the first 5, this time with the intention of connecting in to the higher Knowing Self.

As I drew each of the cards, I could immediately feel the difference.

Centre card: You now as your Self sees you – (Wheel of) Fortune

Let the wheel turn. With trauma of any kind that has been prolonged, the brain tends to get stuck trying to make sense of things, replaying, evaluation, remembering. That is natural. The Wheel of Fortune gently reminds you that everything changes. Allow yourself to move from the static, hopeless position your ego has you stuck in. Remember, nothing stands still. Recognise this truth, stand up and let go. Flow with change. Nothing lasts forever.

Card 2: How to achieve completion? – Princess of Disks

It is well and good to say let things move, ring things to completion but oh so much harder to do, and this spread recognises and validates this by providing practical advice. Disks (also known as pentacles in more traditional decks) is of the element of Earth. It is about all the tangible things we as humans are involved in: health, finances, place. The Princess of Disks if I use elemental terms, is Earth of Earth. I am pleased to see her, as all Princesses (Pages in traditional decks) are messengers and this is the practical message to help bring in needed change:

To achieve some kind of functional completion, become curious again, which is the energy of all the Princesses (Pages in other decks). Take your focus off emotional and mental issues and be practical. Disks are of the element of earth, so concentrate on the practical matters that affect your career, your finances, your physical security. Use this to achieve completion of things that have remained unfinished.

Card 3: How to overcome the seemingly endless conflict and feeling of defeat? – Two of Disks – Change.

More help from the practical disks 🙂
Two is the number of duality, unity and balance, and of course, juggling is often how we do keep balance. I like the image in this card. It is the same message as the Wheel of Fortune but in the minor arcana, which bring down the messages of the Major Arcana into the daily practicalities of our journey. Here, the card promises Change, suggesting that the way to find balance is to accept that nothing is static.
If you think nothing will change, it won’t. If you think change is natural, it is. It is a matter of letting go and allowing change to enter. It could also be communicating that it might be a positive change to simply focus on the physical practical aspects of your life and rest your mind and emotions. Let them change too.

Card 4: How to Work with the Blank Slate? – 8 of Pentacles – Prudence

Again, the advice is to change your focus to the practical world of Disks. Head down, diligent and focused work to achieve this kind of symmetry and balance and beauty.

Card 5: How to overcome Interference? – The Priestess.

When the eight of swords is present, be aware that there are noisy voices around you, demands on your time and energy that interfere with you true purpose. To quieten them, again, you are asked to withdraw inwards. You will not find the guidance you seek from external sources now. There are too many competing forces. Instead, go inwards with the Priestess. See, she has a fine wire mesh that separates her from the mundane world. She is the keeper and knower of mysteries and knowledge. She is the knowing part of you that you can connect to; your Self. Listen. The wisdom you seek is within you all the time.


Now What?

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Everything in this Universe is energy. It all communicates through frequencies.

We are basically individual components in a huge jumble of signals, picking up whatever ones come in on a compatible frequency.

Words also have a frequency.

Propagandists know about frequency. They know about seduction. They know how to put Mr Whippy ice cream cart music on a hearse and then get that soundtrack to number 1 and keep it there.


We innately know when something is off. Trust that, over the words of anyone else every time, even if you end up quite alone.

And if you have tuned in to a frequency that leads you to places that were falsely advertised, and now you feel confused, tune in to your heart and feel your way through. Your mind can be manipulated but your heart knows,
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it ain’t a swan 🙂

Time to come back up into the Light.