

Many people were and/or are unsure how to vote and with the best of intentions will change their minds according to the persuasiveness of the last argument that’s presented. Arguments are like shards of glass.

Given that everything is energy, I’d rather look at that. What is the overall energy behind each of these campaigns? I read the pamphlet that arrived and it is this I use to interpret the energies as both arguments are objectively presented.

I will begin with Runes for the No Campaign, asking ‘What is the overall energy of the No position?’

Raido, (journey) Perthro (the unknown and unknowable) and Uruz, (strength controlled)


The intention appears to be to move Australian voters (Raido) through the unknowable (Perthro) towards the destination of rejecting the proposed amendment to the constitution by will power and force (Uruz) by harnessing fear of that unknown. It is not hard to do. Change can be difficult if you are fearful. The alternative response to Perthro is to approach the unknown as the infinite possibility.

All change includes mystery and uncertainty. The No campaign zeroes in on that uncertainty and adds fear in order to control/dominate the debate. (Uruz relates to power and persistence)

This is achieved through a constant feed of what if-isms.

But we are not unfamiliar with this. We went through this same energy with the equal marriage referendum. I still haven’t seen horses in bridal gowns. Perhaps I live a sheltered life.

As humans we can decide if the unknown is scary or exciting. How we face it will depend on what is inside us, on our own energy. Can we face something new with curiosity and optimism? Or are we going to face it with fear and cynicism?

Tarot Reading for the No Campaign:

Five of Pentacles , 10 of Wands, Ace of Pentacles and 6 or Swords.

Once again the energy of the No argument feels heavy. In the 5 of Pentacles, there are two bedraggled characters walking through the snow together, out in the cold. Inside the building they are passing, are light and warmth and other people. Us and Them.

Ten of Wands is feeling the struggle of trying to push sticks uphill and not giving up no matter how long and hard it is. So intent is the character in this card on not dropping a stick, he cannot see the path ahead but will push on regardless.

At a deeper level, with the Ace of Pentacles it’s about money. Big money somehow somewhere. It is also promising calmer waters with the six of wands. It’s a weird energy. It plays both sides.

It appeals to all who feel left out or excluded, from all quarters, (five of pentacles) and to those who want to move away from a troubled past and start over. (Six of Swords)


Summary: The energy of the No campaign is ‘keep hold of the reins and keep raising what if-isms while we push the agenda through.’

Smudge and Move On:

The Runes for the Energy of the Yes Campaign are:

Ansuz: (Listen before you speak),
Laguz: (flow) and

I have several sets of runes, only one set contains a blank rune.

The energy of the Yes campaign appears here to be exactly what the Yes campaign says it is about with Ansuz. “Find your ears before you speak.’ Listen to the Voice might be another way of saying it.

There is a humility with this Rune, it waits to hear before it speaks. This Rune is also about communication with a higher level of consciousness. We all have this; it is sometimes called the Knowing or Higher Self. Another of its aspects is the potential to transform consciousness.

Laguz has a contemplative and humble energy when you look at it, because it resembles a person with a bowed head. It relates also to the water, the emotions, the collective contemplation. It is about creating unimpeded flow by finding and removing obstructions.

The blank rune appears when we need to be reminded that we write our futures with every decision we make. We know by knowing not by being told. Remember that.

Themes are humility, open mindedness, compassion and truth.

Tarot Reading for the Energy of the Yes Campaign:

Seven of Pentacles, King of Cups, Four of Wands and the Queen of Swords.

The Seven of Pentacles is the review, the assessment of all the previous strategies. What grew well? What didn’t? What matters? Where do we put the focus?
And that is answered by the next three cards. The emotionally stable compassionate and grounded King of Cups is open and welcoming.
The Queen of Swords is a truth teller and the Four of Wands denotes a community celebration.

Just my thoughts. Over to you.

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