Relationship Reading

Why did we meet?

What is this about?

Where are we going?

What is going on here?

What am I learning?

Relationships throw up as many questions as they do answers. They challenge us, they excite us, they delight us and they frustrate us. They consume us, they help us grow. They defeat us, they break us apart. Why are they so central to human existence?

This 21 card reading will walk you through one of the most revealing insights into the relationship you are looking to understand. It will also show you where you begin and end. It looks at the relationship as three separate parties: you, them and the relationship that the two of you create.

Line 1: How does  a/b/c behave

Line 2: What does a/b/c/ think

Line 3: What does a/b/c/ really think?

Line 4: How does a/b/c/ feel?

Line 5: How does a/b/c/ really feel?

Line 6: What does a/b/c/ need?

Line 7: What does a/b/c/ really need?

You will notice that the first question sets a contextual baseline, while the following questions take a surface reading followed by a deeper look at the situation.

I think one of the most powerful results of this spread is that you really can see clearly that the two people are very much separate entities which can be surprising and insightful. I would also like to explain that this reading does not breach the confidentiality of the third person, if you seek this reading. It is not magic :), there is nothing that comes up that you do not already know, even if you do not know you know. I like that it also recognises that the union of any two people creates a third entity that also needs to be seen as such. I am not including a sample of this reading as the subject matter is far too personal for that, but if the questions resonate, this might be something for you to consider.

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