How can looking at pictures on cards be of any use to me?’ a skeptic may well ask.

‘It is a tool,’ I reply, ‘that in the hands of the right interpreter, will give you  information that will help you to navigate through the daily business of decision making.’

‘How can cards possibly tell me all that?’ you ask.

‘Do you have intuition?’ I ask. ‘That quiet voice, that gut feeling, that knowing?’

You consider, remembering all the times you have experienced this.

‘The cards are a tool; a system, a language that provides a link between this knowing and you’.

‘But where does it come from?’ you ask.

‘From within you. From All That Is.’

And we both know that this is so.

-Tara Acie

(Photogrophy by Tara Acie)

Types of Readings:

Three Card Readings:

Adaptive readings that provide maximum insight without overloading you.

Celtic Cross Reading:

Choose the Celtic Spread for a detailed view of your situation from its root causes to its likely outcomes.

Shadow Work Reading.

One of the quantum laws states ‘As within, so without’. If you are not so keen on the ‘without’ part of your life guess what?

Relationship Reading:

What is this all about?  This reading  honours  and explores the individual autonomy and energetic contribution of each person and the relationship itself that is created from your union.

Four Energies Reading:

An empowering reading for those tricky questions about health, finances, relationship issues and other life situations that are troubling you.

Sample Four Energies Reading

Reiki Treatments

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