What is Reiki and How Can it Help Me?

Reiki is Universal Life Energy.

I have been trained in both Level 1 and Level 2  (distance Reiki) in the Usui Shiko Ryoho tradition of Reiki as described beautifully here and I invite you to take a moment to read it.

As a Reiki practitioner I channel this loving energy for your benefit during face to face or distance adventures and also when I am reading the Tarot for you. I love to work with this energy.

Reiki  Treatments:


A non invasive, gentle and powerful hands on experience for face to face clients where universal life energy is directed to where ever it needs to go in your physical or energetic body for your greatest good.  Often my clients will drift off to sleep, under a cuddly blanket, while I work. I love to see people relax, snore and wake up as though from a journey in another dimension ready to tell me all they experienced. There is so much that can happen during a Reiki treatment and the conversations after a treatment often amaze me. We consist of body, soul and spirit and Reiki energy always goes to where it is most needed.

Distance Reiki.

These second degree treatments are equally non invasive, gentle and powerful, constrained by neither space, time nor distance. Once I have a photo of you and your permission, I will perform a treatment at a distance and faithfully record for you everything I receive. This experience is totally unique to you. While I may not understand what the messages and images mean, you will.  I write them out exactly as they come, then send them to you. My clients are often blown away by the result. It is clear to them that this is indeed from a higher Source who knows them, their life and experiences and meets them where they are. I welcome follow up discussions on these readings with you.


Explore Reiki/Tarot Treatments

Book your Reiki Session.

Tarot Readings

*Please note that I do not offer any of these experiences in place of professional medical or psychological treatment.