
2024 – Is Peace on the Cards?

This is a reading for the year 2024, who wants to know what is in store for it in the coming months. Don’t we all! And yes, Andie, 2024 would also like to know if world peace is in the cards.

2024 is an eight year. (2+0+2+4) so it is going to be a year of movement.

Master Rune for the Year: Inguz: Life makes a way and change is upon us.

Central Energy of Tarot Four Energies Reading: Nine of Wands. ‘I’m still Standing…”

I am quietly excited as I look at the combination of these messages.

The central card of the Energy Spread is the embattled Nine of Wands. In the traditional Smith-Rider-Waite Tarot it is the character standing in front of 8 wands, head bandaged, holding that one last wand. All the wands are sprouting leaves.

I am very interested that from a numerological point of view, this year will see a lot of movement. It is going to be a relief in many ways and there is no need to fear, because Inguz has a powerful message that grounds all the other messages. Things will fall apart and the centre will hold. And the centre is the heart. That message comes from the African novelist Chinua Achbe. The falling away is particularly relevant. His novel is a deep analysis of how colonisation decimated the Igbo culture and what this is telling me, is that this is a karmic kind of year, when much of the impact of colonisation, with its domination and all the other hierarchical structures that go with it, is going to give way to the remembrance and growing strength of older ancient cultures’ wisdoms and knowledge.

The reason the Tarot has Nine of Wands as the central energy is that world wide, people are exhausted, Earth is exhausted, from an onslaught of fear mongering and division pillaging and deception. And yet, in reality, that has been preemptive. Those of us who want to see change, those who know it is upon us and inevitable, those of us who know that humanity is in the death throes of the old systems that have been so arbitrary, narcissistic and full of low energy, need to gird up and stay standing. Those with power do not easily give it up, but it is sure. Change is upon us, the seeds are through the soil and growing.

Inguz is a powerful Rune, full of the energy of the warrior. Also within the warrior energy, is the gift of sacrifice. This is not going to be an easy year, but chaos always precedes change. As an analogy, it is not easy to go through childbirth. There comes a point where every woman wants to change her mind and not go through the pain. But we know, when we see the nine of wands, that we are at the end of a long and difficult cycle. Hold the line, hold the Light and the embattled warrior finds the strength to continue standing. Wands are the suit of fire, of passion, of action so to answer 2024’s question of will there be world peace, the answer is soon. Change is upon us, but this is a year where there will be a lot of movement and activity to bring it in.

But this movement is orchestrated by a larger energy; the collective consciousness of the people, the planet itself, the stars, even the whole galaxy, is calling in this change. We cannot go on with fear, hatred and division. If we must fight for peace then we make peace with fighting at an energetic level. Not each other, but the ideas that cause the fighting in the first place.

Astrologically, we are entering the Age of Aquarius. We have Pluto putting his toe into the fresh new energy, but then having to go retrograde again for a little while, to finish the clean sweep that is going on when Pluto goes forward again.

As I write this I am aware that many people I have known, would be interpreting what I am saying through the lens of all the deliberate misinformation that people have been fed. You know the stuff; it always makes you feel as though your stomach is clenching into a solid ball. It makes you afraid, it is full of salacious and emotive propaganda and it is Orwellian. War is Peace, you will be told. Truth is Lies. Everyone’s head is spinning as they hold, much like the character in the nine of wands, to their own belief system and are suspicious and critical of who they have been told are the enemies.

We are moving into an era where we will wake up again to the knowing that we already know truth by how it feels. That may sound simplistic but all the arguing has been to shake us up and make us realise we do not need to be told what to believe. We are not spectators, we don’t need online communities and information silos to tell us who the goodies are and who the baddies are. We will come out the other side of this era once again free. We have had to learn the hard way because we have clearly been slow to discern truth for ourselves amid the swirling narratives fed to us. But we will learn and then we will be able to move ahead without rancour and divisive opinions, we will have learned the value of civility, from having experienced the ugliness of a world without compassion and respect.

What is true and for our highest good feels different. We will learn as a species, to go inward. If what we are hearing/feeling/ being told is causing our energy to tighten up, contract, go on the defensive, it is not from the Light. We are going to come out the other side realising all the divisions that have been drawn between us are artificial. Don’t feed it. See it and stand against it. We are going to awaken again to our shared humanity.

2024 is going to be active. It isn’t going to be easy, but chaos always has and always will precede change.

The energies that are in position of helpful energies of which we are conscious, are aligned with and support all I have already passed on. The joyful liberation from fear the Fool exemplifies, is accompanied by the Five of Cups. Change will bring loss and regret and sadness; it always does. There is always grief with any transition and this is a major shift, not just some temporary unrest. The Earth itself is expressing, maybe even reacting to all the energy swirling within the humans who inhabit it. So much energy is up, ready to be transmuted and the Fool is the indicator of what that change is.

The Fool is not foolish although that is certainly its shadow energy. It is pure. It is clear. It is free of ego. It hasn’t even created a persona yet. Think of an infant. That is the sweet energy that comes when there is no fear and a complete trust. Even if there does not appear to be a road under our feet if we step out of our comfort zone, the Fool knows that it will rise up to be there the minute s/he steps out and off. Trust. Connection. The Sun. Wholeness. That is all represented by the Fool. But this is not a simplistic message, not a fantasy. The companion card is the Five of Cups, that sad figure who is quietly stopping to acknowledge what has been lost. We too, will need to sit quietly with our own sadness, our own regrets, our own evaluation of what it took to bring about this change, but notice. The figure already has the travelling cloak on. Two cups are still standing. When the grieving is complete and respect has been paid, those two cups are sill there, as is the bridge in the distance that will take us away and over the river to the new start that the Fool is already blissed out by. That is what energies are assisting us on a conscious level.

Also on the conscious level, but needing to be overcome are the combined energies of the Seven of Pentacles and the Seven of Wands. Accountability. Reflection. Reevaluation. Two sevens. It will take courage to truthfully face ourselves as a species and acknowledge the deceptions, what we have sown, what we have put our efforts into, all the things we thought were important and re-evaluate everything. The suits are the earth and air elements; dealing with beliefs, communications, thoughts, religions, all of it and how it relates to our connection to earth, to our sense of who we are and what we have done, our sense of place and our well being but also, most importantly, our values. There will, I know be many people individually and collectively who are going to be confronted with the challenges of deep evaluations. I know many will be asking ‘What have I done. What have we done?’ The reason these energies are on the side that can be difficult, is because it takes courage and integrity to undergo an honest evaluation and this is going to be major.

No wonder we have Nine of Wands at the centre. Hold the Line. Don’t give up. Don’t run away from the pain; the birth is close.

At a subconscious level, we have the Two of Wands and the King of Cups there to help us and I am so glad to see them together. The Two of Wands character holds the world in his hands. His wands are budding. New horizons are before him as he/she looks out onto something new. A whole new horizon, under the energy of the King of Cups, the one who has gone through it all; has felt all the emotions, dark and sunny, heavy and easy, the whole gamut of them and is strong, empathetic, compassionate, emotionally literate, balanced and not given to extremes. We may not be fully aware of it yet, but that is where we are moving to.

Opposing that joyous energy, are the Page of Cups and the Six of Swords. There may be a few immature starts, a few less than fully formed peace offerings but yes, the swords are going to be put to rest. Not without casualties. And we will need to help each other as we wrap ourselves up in our warmest cloaks, not to run away from the sorrow, because that comes with us, but as we move away from the turbulence of 2024, towards the light in the distance we are finally, at last, moving towards calmer waters.

I personally feel this change and I know without a shadow of a doubt that there is a different future for humans. I know without any doubt that those who built and climbed the ladders of hierarchy and privilege that have been the mechanisms of so much inequality and vicious selfishness, that has caused mind blowing levels of pain and suffering are so loud now because this is it. This is the final push. Loud and clear is the message to Hold the Line! Hold the Light. Stay in Love.

I hold that by the end of this decade, our children will be living in a world that is fundamentally different to our current world. Stand ready to accept the process.

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