
What Does ‘Calling Back Your Energy’ Mean?

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When my daughter told me she did not know what I meant with this phrase, I realised I was using it without really understanding the complexity of it and if I could not describe what the process was, then it was not helpful.

So, I stopped to really consider what it was I meant. To me it is a simple and daily process that keeps my energy free and clear of getting tangled up with that of another. But it is much more. If we feel fragmented, less than complete, it is our soul’s alert that something is amiss.

It led me to consider that emotions, being energy in motion, are what I am talking about. Sometimes, the feeling of being not quite yourself can be current, from a current interaction, but there is something else I want to discuss today and that is soul fragmentation.

The first question is ‘When did you start to feel that way?’

Eventually, you will arrive at a time where there was a huge amount of stress, a rock was thrown that did not just cause ripples, it caused a shattering. You felt it. You felt scattered. Afterwards you felt less than whole. Why?

Your energy is your essence. Emotions are energy in motion. At that point, to survive the rock, you will find that you either suppressed an emotion or worse, you detached from it. This was a survival mechanism but whether by suppression or detachment, you now do not have your full quiver of emotions so your energy feels depleted. It is.

The practice of calling back your energy is really calling back the emotion attached to the rock throwing experience. Call it back and observe. What feelings come up? What thoughts? Sit with these, watchfully, mindfully. This is what was lost when you felt the shattering. Feel it now. Express it. Speak the feelings and thoughts that return. It won’t kill you. You’re not being shattered now. You are reclaiming your arrows. You need the full quota.

Why did we ‘lose’ that part of us? I say ‘lose’ because energy is never lost. It might be impaled and stuck but it cannot be lost. But it can be absent. Did having that feeling or reaction at that past time, frighten a part of you? Were you afraid of rejection? Were you avoiding conflict? Were you putting the feelings of others over your own?

Being nice can be dangerous. Placating others at your own expense, hurts YOU. You matter. Your feelings matter. In a real sense, detaching from your emotions for all those valid reasons, was handing your power over to someone or something else. It flattened a cell in your battery.

Call it back. With your hand on your chest, call it back. Summons it. You will realise that you do this instinctively when you are shocked or upset. You will find your hand instinctively goes to your chest. You will also notice that you use a tapping motion to soothe yourself. Think of when you call your animal; you often will find you are tapping your leg to bring them back. Your emotions need to come back to your heart chakra, so pat your own chest as you call your energy back. Command it.

Refill your heart. Feel the relief. Feel your energy change and lift.

That is what the discipline of ‘calling back your energy’ means.

If you need guidance or support while doing this, please seek out a trusted support person. If you do not have one, contact me and I will help you through the process.

My desire is to help as many people as possible to feel whole and connected and safe and to learn how to work with this practice and empower themselves as they deserve to be empowered. Who needs to chug through life with a depleted battery?