
Overcoming Trauma

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With trauma there is resistance. The memories take you back to the past where everything in you wants things to be different but because you are back in the past there is no power to help yourself. All there is is the pain and the resistance to that pain and the thoughts swirl and it’s like being in the middle of a whirlpool that can only suck you down deeper as you fight.

There is a way out. But you have to be ready to let things go.

Stop the words. Stop screaming into the wind. Stop fighting ghosts and trying to change the past. It’s natural but it’s ineffective. A total waste of precious time that we all have now.

You centre yourself in the present and get into your heart, knowing it won’t kill you. You can be confident it won’t kill your because you are alive which is why you anchor yourself through your heart into this present moment.

Then you stop arguing and wrestling.

It should not have happened you will think and that is true. Your mind will continue to tell the story which is your story and it happened but it will be always in resistance to that because of the horrible unfairness.

What you focus on grows.

Focus not on the pain but on your own heart. It wants peace. That is why you have fought but this is not the way. It only makes the whirlpool of thoughts and pain grow stronger. It takes you down further and further.

Instead of fighting, be still.

Remember this is now.

You are safe and anchored and your heart will keep you safe from your mind.

Trauma pain is stuck pain while ever you are resisting it. All the energy that comes from resisting what has already happened is what keeps the whirlpool swirling.

The way out is to stop resisting and instead to quietly accept the thing that wounded you happened and to feel it without fighting it.

Let the tears be calm tears.

Remove the words.

Stop screaming into the wind.

Stop fighting

Stop telling the story. Just let the feelings come and hold steady.

Be still.

Meet the pain with no resistance and it will change.

It will not be a force you fight.

It will slowly stop swirling.

It cannot destroy you.

You are here and you have already survived it.

As you let your true feelings just be and don’t fight them you will feel a profound compassion for yourself and you will feel that compassion for yourself and all you suffered and it will start to calm down.

When you are still, when you are not fighting it any more the swirling will stop and you will be back on safe ground, washed clean in a way. The medicine is in the poison.

Compassion. Acceptance. And say goodbye to a past that has no power in the present.

Focus on what you want more of. Let the rest go.