Five Winds Healing


You may have arrived here because you feel lost, or dis-empowered or simply have a feeling that ‘something’ is out of alignment or you may just be curious.

I can help.

Perhaps you just need a quick glance at the map to get your bearings. Come in and explore the Tarot readings I offer to provide you with accurate, intuitive guidance.

Perhaps you want to go deeper, to find what stands between you and the life you desire. If this is your situation, come over and explore the Reiki/Tarot packages on offer that combine distance Reiki with sequential Tarot readings, to help you move more into your authentic life, kicking obstacles to the kerb as we go.

I combine Reiki and Tarot to assist you to find your centre, your purpose, to release heal and integrate hidden aspects from your Shadow Self and step into a world of wonder and authenticity, free from fear and doubt. This process does not happen overnight, but you will have both feet more firmly on your own path after the first reading or session. We can go as deep as you want, as far as you want and I will walk beside you. I know this terrain. I have been lost and found and lost again just like you. I understand life, trauma and confusion. I know uncertainty and decision paralysis. That is why I developed these skills which I now offer to you.

Take your time to look around the site. When you are ready for action, let me know.

More on Tarot Readings

For more on Reiki

Ready for Action? Book Your Tarot Reading or Reiki Treatment.

My qualifications and experience:

  • BA (Hons)
  • Grad Dip Education
  • Certificate 3 Customer Contact
  • Advanced Reiki (Usui Shiko Ryoho)
  • Experienced Biddy Tarot Community Member and Reader